25 September 2010

City Center

Today was the AFL final game played here in Melbourne. I'm told AFL (Australian Rules Football - referred to as Footy) is a combination of Rugby, American Football, and Soccer. Not to mention that fistycuffs break out on the field as well. And, the playing field (at least today) was a Cricket field. Oh, yea, I forgot to mention that these guys play this game in short shorts and not-quite muscle shirts - NO protective gear. The two teams playing today were the Saints (from St. Kilda where we are staying) and the Pies (actually the Magpies from Collingwood which is another suburb of Melbourne). There was all this hype for the past week and even a parade with something like 300,000 spectators (that was yesterday). The official count for spectators at the game today was over 100,000 and there must have been at least that on the streets in front of big screen set up for viewing in the city center. When we got up today we headed to City Center where the game was being played to people watch. There were lots of people everywhere there was a television and we just kind of wandered around. We kept waiting for this huge party to break out since it didn't really matter who won since both teams are locals. Finally we asked who won the game trying to figure out what happened to the party - just to be told it was a "draw" and there will be another game next week! YISH!

On to more important things. City center is really interesting with lots of cool architecture and parks and shopping.
Things are starting to bloom
Not sure what building is but is part of a university in City Center
Public bath house - which means it is a gym & pool
Located in City Center - really nice!
The largest market - located in City Center - was closed
when we got there - we'll have to go back!
Riding the free tram around City Center
These bikes were available to rent just by putting your money in the slot
and taking a bike - or you can buy an annual subscription for $50 which
gives you a key to help yourself whenever you want.
Tower over Performing Arts Center
Bustling intersection at night - time to go home

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